Sunday, January 27, 2008

the ants go marching on and on....

It is official, I live in the middle of a giant ant hill. It has been raining here the last few days and last night I guess the ants had a meeting of some sort and decided to come on in and make themeselves at home. The end result was a panic attack (me) an irritated spouse (husband) and oblivious children (sons 1 and 2). I think another glass of wine is in order (it is no longer morning so wine is ok... I was patient) and then I will try and schedule a meeting with the Queen Ant. At the very least they should pay a portion of the rent. Ah... maybe I shouldn't have that second glass of wine.

oh well.

1 comment:

smalltownme said...

Have the wine: your husband is at work, and hopefully your children are exhausted from the party.

The ant in your picture is so BIG. I am remembering the movie, "Them." I first saw that in college in a film studies class. What kind of school did I go to???? Honestly, it was a class on SciFi films! I took film studies just to see movies. Didn't do so well discussing them!

And now I want to watch A Bug's Life. But I can't tonight. We have a Vincent Price movie to watch. (First version of I am Legend.)

Keep blogging!