Friday, February 8, 2008


When I was in my late teens and early 20's I loved moving. For a while there I was moving around every 6 months. I thrived on change. I was strong enough to carry most boxes and cute enough to get someone else to carry the rest. I had very little mail to forward/ address change and no one depending on me to make sure they will have a school to attend in 3 weeks (not that he would mind sitting out the rest of the year).

Fast forward a dozen or so years... moving is a big pain in my big rear! The end result is very much something to look forward too, but right now I keep catching myself wandering around my 1/2 packed house with empty boxes and a dusting rag really wondering if 10 in the morning is too early for a glass of wine.



smalltownme said...

The end result will be worth it. That house has been calling you for a long time. [Smiling.]

Anonymous said...

Grandpa P. swore NEVER to move that big old desk up stairs again.

And yes, the end result will be worth the effort.
Hark - do I hear the Book Loft calling????


Echo said...

g/e: why yes, yes you do hear the Book Loft calling. I already went in and arranged for 3 shifst a week

smalltown mom: I am smiling too!

smalltownme said...

Your son is smiling too.

He's telling me a joke: "I know this town like the back of my hand. [Looks at back of hand...] Hey, what's that?

We've had a great day.

Life As I Know It said...

Good luck! Moving is not fun once you have to move a house and a family instead of an apartment and just yourself!
Just found your blog!